Mar 232010

I was downloading something (in my office) just now and found the speed was pretty fast, and this reminds me 10 years ago …

It was my first trip to headquarter, whenever I hook up my laptop and start downloading something (I think it was Messenger), it was … super fast.

I talked to my colleague and asked him what’s the bandwidth between office and outside internet, he was not sure and said could be Giga.

Man, GIGA!!! I think most Chinese Internet companies at that time are running 2X100M for IDC, and offices used to use 64K (DDN) or 128K (ISDN).

Things changed a lot in the past 10 years, and something will happen in 10th year :), stay tuned.

Mar 022010

It was the first 1-on-1 yesterday in the past 2 and half months.

I took vacation in mid Dec, so missed 1st one, then it became xmas so missed 2nd one, then my boss went to vacation so missed the 3rd one, then it was public holiday so 4th one’s gone, then I took another vacation so 5th one, then my boss’ vacation so missed 6th.

Unlucky enough, right?

Feb 252010

I believe it’s about time to change myself a little bit – it’s all about job/career, etc, but it may affect life as well.

I don’t think this Microsoft deal has any impact on my feeling, and I don’t think current project involved even a little. The Microsoft deal is great, I’m not saying it will bring any solid benefit to my company, but at least it leaves some room for my company to take a pause, re-think the whole strategy, and move on. My current project is kind of interesting – cloud computing is something hot, and data intensive cloud is not being well defined in current cloud/grid world.

I feel like it’s about time to change just because … it seems less people care about me now :D. I like talking to friends, but slowly friends stopped pinging me for whatever reason, it could be because my life is so boring and nothing could interest them. I’m not getting new friends either, which is because I don’t have relationship with any groups around.

So, it’s about time to change, at least I can make people start talking to/about me again. ๐Ÿ˜€

Feb 222010

It’s a big day to some of people in the company – it was said some of us will get notice of “you are going to M$)”.

I haven’t got anything and seems I won’t get anything like that, same to other people in my team. The most interesting thing today is, the team sitting beside our cube gathered together (20 or so people) and list all the names on a whiteboard into two columns – one is green M$, and the other is purple. People laughing, discussing, taking photographs, and so on, it seems like a big party.

Well, enjoy, in the coming months groups like this will be split into two, and people who used to work together will then work for different companies.

Feb 192010

I think I had this problem for quite sometime – I’m really slow in warming up.

This happened whenever I moved to a new group or a brand new project, that previous experience doesn’t help me. It seems I’m good at solving problems based on experience, so once experience becomes useless, I’m lost.

I’ve been assigned to current project for months, and I started my “real” work about a month ago, but obviously only till now I can have some real ideas about what the system look like, and what we should do to make it works. I don’t think people like me in previous meetings as most time I was just sitting there listening, not much to present to the team (to help the project). Now the project is about to finish the design phrase, and seems I finally wake up :D. In the past two or three meetings I think I contribute a lot to the project.

It could be another reason though – I may not be that interested with design stuffs, but once it becomes implementation I got my sense and become willing to do something.

Jan 292010

It’s a super busy week – I believe it’s the busiest week in the past couple of months, but hey, vacation is ahead :D.

Suddenly I have so many meetings to attend, and seriously discussing about how the new project will look like. Also another project got some serious issue and took me quite some time to help them digging out the root cause.

Anyway, I will take vacation next week, actually it’s from this weekend :-$, wish I can have some good rest, recharge myself, and do better in the week after.

Jan 202010

Finally there’s someone in the company said congratulation to me.

It was my boss’ boss – this morning he’s in the same elevator and said “congratulation”, this makes me feel better :), but whenever he asked me “how’s the feeling?” my answer is “way too long”.

Is it the right answer? ๐Ÿ˜€

Jan 172010

10 years ago I joint this company, I never doubted that I would stay here for 10 years though people questioned it from time to time.

I wish I can stay here as long as I can, but now I do doubt if I can stay here for another 10 years, let’s see. ๐Ÿ™‚

Jan 102010

I know the company is not doing quite good recently, or maybe we should say it’s in trouble now, but this does not mean you can do stupid things like this –

Somebody posted a job description for his friend to an internal mailing list, I do hate behaviors like this. Just don’t understand what’s in their mind.

I didn’t find any HR policies against this, but I will keep looking.

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