Jun 222013

I hit this while reading some articles and found it is really helpful, one should check it before making any data store decisions.

To me there are several clear winners – redis/memcached for kv store, MongoDB for document store, and Oracle/MySQL for traditional RDBMS, and seems Oracle is a clear winner across corporations.

I believe what I decided to use memcached and then migrate to redis were both wise decisions, but I still doubt decided to use mongodb was a right decision or not. I will dig into MongoDB a little bit more to see if it got improved in the past two years for the issues I care, especially memory management mechanism.

Jun 202013

Actually this should apply to all “non-standard” window managers on Fedora – let’s assume KDE and gnome (maybe twm as well) are all standard WM per Fedora.

I’ve been away from Fedora for some time – left by 16 and came back by 18, I have to say, Fedora is moving more and more closer to Windows and away from Unix. Why? Think about it changed from service/chkconfig to systemctl, the only advance to me is that someone who’s relying on service has to migrate do systemctl, and developers have to maintain all these, and why don’t you take iptables and use firewall instead? I didn’t see the logic behind that, except – it’s building lots of “new features” to add to so-called feature list or selling point.

Anyway, let’s come back to xrdp. Although setup xrdp on Ubuntu is almost nothing, it takes me almost a day to get everything done on Fedora. Here are some hints: Continue reading »