Jun 202013

Actually this should apply to all “non-standard” window managers on Fedora – let’s assume KDE and gnome (maybe twm as well) are all standard WM per Fedora.

I’ve been away from Fedora for some time – left by 16 and came back by 18, I have to say, Fedora is moving more and more closer to Windows and away from Unix. Why? Think about it changed from service/chkconfig to systemctl, the only advance to me is that someone who’s relying on service has to migrate do systemctl, and developers have to maintain all these, and why don’t you take iptables and use firewall instead? I didn’t see the logic behind that, except – it’s building lots of “new features” to add to so-called feature list or selling point.

Anyway, let’s come back to xrdp. Although setup xrdp on Ubuntu is almost nothing, it takes me almost a day to get everything done on Fedora. Here are some hints: Continue reading »

Feb 122011

Searched online and here comes what I did:

  1. Install pptpd, ufw
  2. change /etc/pptpd.conf to enable localip and remoteip
  3. change /etc/ppp/chap-secrets to add user name and password
  4. change /etc/ppp/pptpd-options to enable ms-dns
  5. change sysctl.conf to set net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
  6. change /etc/default/ufw to set DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY=”ACCEPT”
  7. change /etc/ufw/before.rules
    # nat Table rules
    # Allow forward traffic from eth0:0 to eth0
  8. ufw allow TCP connection on port 47 and 1723 (surely you want to enable others if you run other services like HTTPd on this host as well)

pretty much this is what I have done, restart, and everything should be up and running.

Sep 032009

Debian does not come with a good (I mean, easy to use :D) firewall, and to me ufw on Ubuntu is pretty cool so searched around, found this link:


and copy some words here in case someday that URL becomes inaccessible:

# sudo apt-get install python
# wget http://people.ubuntu.com/~jamie/ufw/ufw-0.25.tar.gz
# tar -xzvf ufw-0.25.tar.gz
# cd ufw-0.25
# sudo python ./setup.py install

Once installed it needs to be configured, which really depends on your requirements.ย  A basic setup that allows SSH access, while blocking most other access can be configured by;

# sudo ufw logging on
# sudo ufw default deny
# sudo ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 22
# sudo ufw enable