Aug 312010

Got another new project yesterday, I will have to improve the performance of registration letter, which has pretty high failure rate on gmail. Actually gmail has less than 10% market share but what I was told is that all gmail users are sort of “opinion leader”, which means they actively blogging, or as a journalist, or whatever.

gmail believes they are cool, they don’t follow most of the conventions in this mail industry. However, since they take themselves as a hi-tech company, I’m going to solve this problem in hi-tech way.

Or, maybe I’m wrong – to beat hi-tech companies, you always need to use low-tech skills 😀

Aug 302010

I’ve been having trouble in launching Windows Live Messenger for quite some time and I had to use Pidgin to connect to my MSN buddies, finally (today) I decided to solve this problem and here is the quick solution:

I’ve tried and it works perfectly – after deleting the registry key under group HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MSNMessenger\PerPassportSettings, my Windows Live Messenger came back to work.

I haven’t read through though, not sure what’s the story beind.

Aug 302010

I’m having troubles in managing projects currently in my hands, I think I need to delegate some tasks so that I can focus on the most important thing, but who can do that?

Supposedly there will be 3~4 people get on board in the coming month, and there should be one takes over product line, and the other can take over IT mail, and I will find another one (wish soon) covering consumer mail’s technical side, then I can step back to oversee everything.

What I am doing now:

  • The consumer mail, both production and technical and project management sides
  • The IT (company’s) mail, technical side
  • The universal message system, as a project manager

and in each project there are several routes need to be taken care of …

I’m lazy in hiring recently, I need to cheer myself up and back to energic.

BTW, who’s still reading this blog, would you please post something so that I know I’m not talking to air?

Aug 132010

Hey guys, long time no see. I was really really really busy in the past month – yea, it is almost a full month.

What happened in the past month? Too many to tell all of them, but overall speaking, everything’s going well. I got a small team (will grow to a full size team in near future, at least I wish), product plan got orally approved, and contract had been settled.

It was a tough month actually, too many things to handle in parallel, by now I cannot recall what was the exact feeling, but I’m pretty sure it was exhausted or depressed.

Let’s move on to see what’s coming, I believe – yes I still believe – things will get better and better.