Jan 172010

I do have a feeling of writing something today but I just cannot recall what to write, bad memory, indeed.

Could be one of these couple of things:

  • Avatar, idiot story, excellent special effect
  • CouchDB, still far away from what I want
  • Cassandra, it’s running way too many threads so it should be able to utilize multi-cores
  • Desktop development, starting using VC++ Express again, it’s 2010 beta now

Will post after I can recall what to say.

 Posted by at 00:18  Tagged with:
Jan 032010

Comcast has a $69.99 promotion for Internet and cable bundle, but they refused to give me the price as I’m their subscriber already, so I ordered DirectTV and get things installed.

Internet is way harder – AT&T does not provide service in my area, and all other providers (satellite) are way too expensive. Luckily, while I chat online with Comcast representative for canceling my cable service, he gave me a $29.99 offer (vs. current ~$50), so I accepted the offer, and stopped looking around.

I have to look at this again after 6 months, I don’t think anything will be changed then, I may take a look at wireless provider (AT&T or Verizon), at least make it a backup plan, so that I can cancel Comcast for some days and then subscribe again as a new customer.

Frankly speaking, I think maintaining TV subscription is a waste to me, since I seldom watch TV …

Dec 302009

I was thinking of uninstalling QQ on my machine as for months (at least weeks) there was nobody pinged me.

Then … someone pinged me, asking me if I can help getting a part-time job, this is interesting :).

I will leave QQ running there for sometime, and will uninstall it if nobody pings me for, say 3 months.

 Posted by at 02:39  Tagged with: ,
Dec 252009

Got hair cut to near bald.

Short hair makes me feel good, I no longer have to worry about losing hair as it seems nothing to lose :D.

I will keep this length for sometime.

 Posted by at 18:55  Tagged with:
Dec 032009

It seems they finished construction work on I680, though partly – the highway between Washington and Mission Blvd., it becomes 5 lanes now.

It seems Californian still has money to build I680, the construction work didn’t get any impact from this economy crisis, good to know.

I wish things can be better day by day.

Nov 302009

I just finished A Byte of Python, planning to read it again and then turn to Dive into Python, I’ve done some simple Python programs while I was reading, everything seems fine so far.

A little girl though A Byte of Python is a scary book, she thought I mis-spelled “bite”, so the book I read becomes “a bite of a big snake”, I know it’s scary :D. It took me sometime to got her understood Python is a computer programming language, I just wish I made it but anyway she stopped talking about the book and go back calling me “lobster killer”.

Yes, I cooked another lobster for the last day of Thanks Giving holiday.

Nov 272009

What I’ve bought in the past couple of days, all under the name of “Thanks Giving shopping”:

  • A Sony HandyCam, now I can formally retire my Casio Exim
  • A set of JA Hanckels knives for kitchen … you will be cut even just look at it
  • Mario Kart for my Wii! Yes, I like racing game for all the time, even if it is childish

will play with these stuffs for sometime, having fun, and enjoying life. ๐Ÿ™‚