Feb 212012

Sigh, seems an incompatible change that /select handler no long supports query type, I’m still trying to figure this out now …

I want my term vector back :-w .

  4 Responses to “Solr 4.0/trunk changed request handler bahavior”

  1. Made no progress ๐Ÿ™ .

    I’m kind of slow recently, feel like too many things happy in parallel which made me could not concerntrate.

  2. I found the problem was due to distributedProcess has some side-effect or incompatibility with TermVector, or the distributedProcess was not properly written in TermVectorComponent. I’m still reading the code, trying to figure out a solution.

  3. Late but at least I got it done – I’ve done my first version of patch on TermVectorComponent.java, and it works (well, at least to me) in distributed environment, what I need to do next are: test in distributed and non-distributed environment, with single result, multiple results, etc., to make sure it is a good patch, and then I need to make decision of how the result will be presented especially whenever there are multiple documents returned from the search, and at last submit the patch to solr, to see if it will be accepted or not.

    However, I will post the patch here despite of it will be accepted by solr community or not, at least it will help some others who want this.

  4. Submitted SOLR-3229, not sure when it will be taken.

    I believe it works for 3.x, though I didn’t try it out.

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