Mar 252009

Started (again) with Ada, installed gnat-gps on both Ubuntu and Windows, let’s see how far I can go this time.

Here comes a weird, or maybe crazy idea – I want to try to rewrite previous music player with Ada and win32ada binding. Previous one was writted in C++ and Win32 API, thinking of I didn’t use any MFC/ATL stuffs, it should be easier, and this is the best route to me to know more about Ada.

Actually I did some research, compared Lisp and Ada, and finally decided to go with Ada as it may help me in finding a job in the future, while Lisp may help me get a degree from some colleges. I don’t think I will go to school soon, so I picked Ada.

Both languages are not that commonly used in sillicon valley I guess, but I always believe being minority is not bad. ๐Ÿ˜›

 Posted by at 06:34

  One Response to “Play with Ada”

  1. Well, I got a P2P video chat program I wrote a while back with Delphi, I was thinking I lost it but just found it in a CVS repository while cleaning up one of the machines I maintained.

    I think this is a good place to start with, as the music player is a little bit more in terms of features. Also, converting things from Delphi (Pascal) to Ada should be easier compare with C/C++.

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