Jan 032015

Actually it is not that hard to avoid race condition, as long as you have that concept in mind. I have to say, some people don’t know how to avoid race condition.

I think the diff would be a better explanation.

+import tempfile
 # Import salt libs
 import salt.crypt
 @@ -668,12 +669,15 @@ def _pillar(self, load):
             if not os.path.isdir(cdir):
             datap = os.path.join(cdir, 'data.p')
-            with salt.utils.fopen(datap, 'w+b') as fp_:
+            tmpfh, tmpfname = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=cdir)
+            os.close(tmpfh)
+            with salt.utils.fopen(tmpfname, 'w+b') as fp_:
                             {'grains': load['grains'],
                              'pillar': data})
+            os.rename(tmpfname, datap)
         return data

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