May 152012


Here what I have done in the past several days:

  • Majority of my time was spent on tokenizer/segmentation stuffs, which is purely C/C++
  • I used PHP as the glue to try out my segmentation codes so I do various PHP stuffs
  • I need to collect some data for other people test out the result so obviously I need to deal with Hive, and HQL
  • I have to create different adhoc shell scripts while dealing with above
  • Someone asked for a Python extension for the segmentation library so I also spent (little) time on Python codes
  • I was reading a C# program, trying to translate it to C++, I cannot believe I made it and I have to say, C# is some sort of “advanced Visual Basic” …
  • Again lots of segmenation algorithms are implemented in Java (thanks Lucene/Nutch/Solr) so occasionally I need to read Java codes and use them as reference to my C++ programs, most time for edge cases

Actually it was fun other than sometime I misput $ in front of a variable in a C++ program, or use ; to end the statement in python, and got confused with C++ containers and Java containers …