Oct 212009

All those who helped me moving from China to US are all leaving, actually I hesitated to say “all” as I know there is one who will never leave :).

Let’s skip those non-techy people, then here where they went: one goes to eBay, running its biggest offshore R&D center (at least one of the biggest, I’m not quite sure), another one goes to Microsoft (yea, lots of Yahoos went to Microsoft) running their data center division, and this one is said to go to China, though I don’t have any details yet.

I now can say, I stay here longer than them, so ideally I can move on now – I short of one excuse to stay here.

Oct 212009

I came across this article today, which talks about non-RDBMS solution for data storage (or a fancy name, data persistent layer).

It’s a great start point – I’ve been thinking about non-RDBMS solution for a while, but other than LDAP I don’t have anything else in my mind (weird enough, seems LDAP is not in the list, maybe it’s just too old to be “new tech”).

I will try out those projects mentioned in the article, and will post some data here if I get anything.

Oct 192009

Supposedly I should not be sleepy at all since it’s Monday morning – after a weekend of good rest, I should be busy handling all stuffs.

Well, first I have nothing to “handle”, checked mails and nothing significant, or precisely, there is nothing at all. I think I’m going to in this stage for quite some time till “the deal” becomes clear.

So, get to find something to do to kill the time, thinking now.

 Posted by at 10:11  Tagged with:
Oct 132009

I got fever yesterday and went to doctor this morning, confirmed it is not the most famous flu – it is not flu at all.

Then all weird things happened – the Linksys wireless router stopped working suddenly, without any reason, after got a new one, the internet connection stopped working (high packet lost rate), and after fighting it for 2 hours, turned out restarting the new wireless router solved the problem.

After I got online, I saw some weird name on my messenger list – Bruce, Lake … geeze – these guys had been away from messenger (or maybe just hiding) for quite a while, what made them show up again?

I also called in a meeting, it’s the first time people are discussing about the build system there – just because I’m not there? I have no idea, but at least I’m glad to know there are so many negative feedback to the new build system ๐Ÿ˜€

Then, I have to call a friend around noon Beijing time, as he’s trying to recruiting me ๐Ÿ˜€ , I told him that they can hardly give me an offer to get me moved, but seems this does not give him any negative feeling, so, let it be – it’s always to talk to a friend ๐Ÿ™‚ .

 Posted by at 18:22  Tagged with:
Oct 082009

A friend mentioned to me Google is hiring and lots of Yahoo!s are jumping off the sinking ship and heading to google, so I should try.

Well, maybe … but no, there are some difficulties I need to overcome before I can be google:

  • I can hardly believe I can pass any interviews there, thinking of they like talking about algorithms so much.
  • I’m less confident on my educational background, all that I heard of is they prefer master/PhD from famous universities and I have nothing to do with these two
  • I believe their culture is for youth, who can live in campus for days or weeks without leaving, while I want to have my family life
  • I will be absolutely abnormal if I still don’t have lunch even if the company provides free lunch

So the conclusion is that I will stay here for some time, even I move on in the future, google can hardly be my destination.

Pity to google – I have some friends in China are really good in this area, but none of them works for google, could be because of any reasons above ๐Ÿ˜› .