Oct 132009

I got fever yesterday and went to doctor this morning, confirmed it is not the most famous flu – it is not flu at all.

Then all weird things happened – the Linksys wireless router stopped working suddenly, without any reason, after got a new one, the internet connection stopped working (high packet lost rate), and after fighting it for 2 hours, turned out restarting the new wireless router solved the problem.

After I got online, I saw some weird name on my messenger list – Bruce, Lake … geeze – these guys had been away from messenger (or maybe just hiding) for quite a while, what made them show up again?

I also called in a meeting, it’s the first time people are discussing about the build system there – just because I’m not there? I have no idea, but at least I’m glad to know there are so many negative feedback to the new build system ๐Ÿ˜€

Then, I have to call a friend around noon Beijing time, as he’s trying to recruiting me ๐Ÿ˜€ , I told him that they can hardly give me an offer to get me moved, but seems this does not give him any negative feeling, so, let it be – it’s always to talk to a friend ๐Ÿ™‚ .

 Posted by at 18:22  Tagged with:

  One Response to “Weird day”

  1. Alright, and earthquake in the night (luckily, not late night).

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