Oct 262009

Here is the list I composed during the weekend:

I’m not sure if I should try out these projects, the major concern is that I don’t have confidence on grid (hadoop, etc) about their latency:

and I won’t consider these because they are relying on specific providers:

  • BigTable
  • Dynamo
  • [Could be more …]

Java and erlang are pretty popular here – I don’t like one of them, and I don’t know much about the other, tough.


  2 Responses to “NoSQL data stores”

  1. Seems this blog is doing better than I did, and I should do some evaluation on these:

  2. I think I got some idea about what’s my requirement:

    • Surely performance is one of the key factor, but as long as it’s much faster than MySQL (I’m talking about 2X~10X) then it is acceptable
    • Query feature, key/value pair is good enough, but if it has further support on (kind of) complicated queries without performance lost, then it becomes a plus
    • Reliable persistent storage. It does not have to consistent for all the time, but eventually it should be. Also, reliable means it won’t lose writes (rejection write is ok).
    • Built-in replication is a must, and if it is easy to setup/monitor, then it will be a better choice, if it has automatic failover feature, then it becomes great.
    • Sharding, better on server. If it is in client side, then language supported will be a key factor – I know I’m going to need C/C++, Perl, PHP, Python, and Java
    • Language used to develop server. This is less important, but if it is done by some language I’m familiar with, then a plus, right now I’m seeing C/C++, Java, and Erlang, and my preference is exactly the above.
    • Misc features, just nice to have – authentication, statistics, packaging (RPM and deb), any big names are using it, etc.

    I will quickly rule out some projects mentioned here and then focus on only candidates with good potential.

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