Aug 232009

Just to mark here – this is the only one works for me:

I’m trying to migrate some VMs to the Vista Ultimate so that I can utilize all those 4 cores and 6G memory.

I need to test some mysql proxy and master/slave things, and better try it out in different environments.

May 012009

Just want to write this done so that I don’t have to man again in the future:

CC=; while [ 1 ] ; do read -s -t 1 -n 1 CC; if [ “$CC” = ‘q’ ] ; then break; fi; clear; ls -als crtv_* | tail -15 ; done

-s is “don’t echo”, -t 1 is “timeout after 1 second”, -n 1 is “read one character only” (so don’t have to wait for enter.

Pretty usefule, actually this can be used to do some interact applications with shell.

Apr 272009

To install some new stuffs for vim, most likely you will have some vba file, run “sudo vim whatever.vba” and then do a “:so %”, things will be injected to system vim.

Just did it on my ubuntu box – I’m going to start server side ppcam stuffs.

Apr 262009

Time to upgrade again, though I haven’t checked what’s new there.

Ubuntu is doing better than Fetora in upgrade, though both are doing pretty good in update. “update” means keeping system patched within same release, while “upgrade” means upgrading from release to release. I guess I will stick with Uubuntu for sometime till I find anything inconvenience or some fancy feature from other distro.

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