Apr 272012

Migrating various hosts to 12.04, result is half-half – EC2 hosts got upgraded without any problem, I think I’m really lucky in this case as those EC2 hosts are serving live traffic, the VM and bridge host at home failed to reboot after upgrade, it seems the problem was because of boot disk/partition got rename/re-numbered, but I’m not quite sure.

I’ve re-installed VM, weird thing is that there was some free space on the harddisk so I can leave original partition untouched, after installation’s done, I found that I installed to /dev/sda6, while /dev/sda1 still has a bootable Ubuntu 12.04 which I just upgraded. I didn’t pay much attention on what I have done as I was thinking I’m gonna lose everything. I’m working on the bridge host now and will post details here if I find anything.

Apr 302011

All my sites went down after upgrading to natty just because one line conf problem … sigh.

All my sites are running php-fpm then nginx, the problem came from these two lines:

fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /var/www/xiehang.com/$fastcgi_script_name;
include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;

It used to work without problem but obviously the new Ubuntu release changed something in /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params which overwrites previous line.

Swap two lines fixed the problem, but still … 4 hours down time.

Feb 122011

Searched online and here comes what I did:

  1. Install pptpd, ufw
  2. change /etc/pptpd.conf to enable localip and remoteip
  3. change /etc/ppp/chap-secrets to add user name and password
  4. change /etc/ppp/pptpd-options to enable ms-dns
  5. change sysctl.conf to set net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
  6. change /etc/default/ufw to set DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY=”ACCEPT”
  7. change /etc/ufw/before.rules
    # nat Table rules
    # Allow forward traffic from eth0:0 to eth0
  8. ufw allow TCP connection on port 47 and 1723 (surely you want to enable others if you run other services like HTTPd on this host as well)

pretty much this is what I have done, restart, and everything should be up and running.

Jun 022009

Just started doing some Python stff, and since it will be used to for small site or quick prototype, I decided to try TurboGears which is seems to be a promising framework.

Pity Ubuntu packaging of TurboGears is broken, per bug, Ubuntu was packaging python2.5 files in the 2.6 package.

Yuck, have to wait till they fix it as first, I’m not in a hurry, second, I’m not familiar with whole stuff so I may mess up the system.

I can still play with Python though, take it as a generic scripting lanage such as Perl and PHP, do some command line stuffs.