Dec 212012

Guess I will spend some time on Hadoop and Hive/HBase in the coming year, so I’m preparing …

It seems Hadoop is doing pretty good, documentation is getting better, and people are thinking more about site operation, this means it is no longer a toy. Things like access control, seperation of daemon users, and backward compatibility, all these stuffs are making it a serious (enterprise???) tool.

Why I care about site operation so much? I’m seriously doubting if I’m on dev side or ops side …

Dec 142012

It’s pretty fun, now I can create a job in jenkins, then launch two build script, one for CentOS5 and the other for CentOS6, both of them will build x86_64 and i386 packages.

setarch is my friend to save my effort on creating 32-bit images over 64-bit system ๐Ÿ˜› , however, I still need to verify if the 32-bit packages is actually working for 32-bit platform.

Dec 132012

I seldom like new UI of product I use, the extreme example is I HATE the new gmail UI whenever it was launched more than a year ago – it took me quite some time to figure out where is addressbook and where I can manage my domain.

However, Yahoo Mail’s new UI is definitely better than previous version, light, clean, and most things are still there – either it did not change, or it can be easily located.

Well done, Yahoo.

Dec 132012

After last time fire sale I have 3 micro instances running on EC2, one in east coast and two in west. I got a mail the other day, saying my free tier is expiring so I need to make decision if I need to keep it running or not.

It did take me quite some time to figure our which one is free tier, which one is the reserved instance and which one is the left – I have to blame myself as it’s me who made the configuration this messy. Anyway, it seems my major site is running on the free tier (w1), and my reseved instance is actually idle (w2), and the secondary site is on a pay-as-you-go instance (w3).

Anyway, since the free tire will be expired by the end of this month and the reserved instance will be expired in mid January, I decided doing nothing by now. Once the reserved (idle) instace on east cost expired, I will shut it down.

I will keep pay-as-you-go as I got feeling that I may switch to other service providers later on, at least I should try out those Amazon competiters.

Dec 122012

My colleague setup a jenkins to do nightly and on demand build, it works perfect till last week, whenever we decided to move some components to rpm based packaging so to ease the production deployment and to reproduce the bug.

The problem is, whenever you have multiple jobs in jenkins, you cannot yum/rpm install packages in different versions. A simple case for us is that we are running boost-1.44, while some team who replies on us requested a new version of boost, we cannot build two set of jobs at same time. Continue reading »