Jan 302012

Here comes the second part of ios development tips which follows first part, I’m starting over the number now so to ease my life.

1. How to navigate to a view in another view
– original post is here:
* dealing with views in a storyboard based application
* some other helpful discussions are here: manually switch view controllers in storyboard, and another similar topic
– idea
* actually the basic idea is pretty simple and straightforward – you create a new view (the one you want to display), and push it to the top of the navigationcontroller (which actually is a stack), that’s it …
* tricky part #1: this cannot be done in a viewDidLoad event as view was not fully loaded at that time so you can nothing, the place I found that is workable is viewDidAppear event
* tricky part #2: ViewController’s initWithNibName does not work … I haven’t figure out the exact reason yet but you have to use instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier comes from storyboard
* tricky part #3: nibname … gave me QUITE A LOT headache, it should be “UIViewController-“, you can get the object ID from Interface Builder, in the identity inspector tab

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