Jan 172010

Just found that I didn’t do any research to compare Xen and kvm, obviously two are both announcing they perform much better than VMWare, which I believe that’s true, but I haven’t read anything about xen vs. kvm yet.

Will post something here – but I won’t do my own comparison as it will be too much to me.

Jan 172010

10 years ago I joint this company, I never doubted that I would stay here for 10 years though people questioned it from time to time.

I wish I can stay here as long as I can, but now I do doubt if I can stay here for another 10 years, let’s see. ๐Ÿ™‚

Jan 172010

I do have a feeling of writing something today but I just cannot recall what to write, bad memory, indeed.

Could be one of these couple of things:

  • Avatar, idiot story, excellent special effect
  • CouchDB, still far away from what I want
  • Cassandra, it’s running way too many threads so it should be able to utilize multi-cores
  • Desktop development, starting using VC++ Express again, it’s 2010 beta now

Will post after I can recall what to say.

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