The ADSL @ my parents’ house was crappy – it disconnected every 2~20 minutes, which made it impossible to me to get things done.
Technician from the carrier came on Friday and did all sort of tests, and pointed out the ADSL modem is the one to be blamed. However, they don’t have anything in stock so I have to get my own from a shop.
It was the afternoon with thunderstorm, I decided I would like with the bad connection for a day or two instead of risking myself stuck somewhere around (yea, flood in downtown and traffic was super bad), anyway it was just half a day, and after I replaced the broken one with the new one I got, everything works like a charm.
Alright, I have my connection again, and (re-) started my so-called boring life by surfing online and checking emails … yes, there were more than 3 people told me I’m wasting my vacation and I sort of agree with them.
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