Jul 032009

While I was trying to dig out how to play with lisp, especially how to create an executable from it, I came across this message posted to c.l.l:


pretty much what I want ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve managed to created a executable on my Windows box and it runs just fine, well, with some tweaks, and actually a follow up describe the Windows dll problem:


  5 Responses to “usenet helps”

  1. Hmmm … I guess I’d better post full command here, first, finish what you want to do, such as hello world:

    (defun main () (format t “~%Hello World!~%”))

    then save an executable image:

    (ext:saveinitmem “hw” :quiet t :init-function (lambda () (main) (ext:quit)) :verbose t :norc t :documentation “This is a Common Lisp ‘hello world’ sample.” :executable t)

    and that’s it.

  2. well, smiley problem again.

  3. I decided to add base directory under CLisp’s installation path to my own PATH variable so that I don’t have to worry about it during development time.

  4. Forgot to mention – to let CLisp scan the asdf directory, recursively: (let’s see how much smiley will mess up this comment)

    (dir-candidate (directory #P”\\path\\to\asdf-registry\\**\\”))
    (let ((asd-candidate (merge-pathnames “*.asd” dir-candidate)))
    (when (directory asd-candidate)
    (push dir-candidate asdf:*central-registry*))))

  5. Actually, you can use “/” in case you don’t like c-style “\\”. ๐Ÿ™‚

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