Jun 122009

While I was trying to upgrade a friend’s Fedora machine from 10 to 11, I found that the yum got some problems with mirrorlist file, which had been addressed with Fedora/yum guys, but so there there is no fix, just a workaround.

Then yesterday WordPress prompted there is a new version can be upgraded to, so I did … everything went smoothly, automatic upgrade, so fancy, but after upgrade – hold on, all my posts became PHP error message.

Obviously the new 2.8 does not support old smiley well, or at least it changed requirement of the smileys’ pattern. I haven’t found the root cause yet so I don’t know what’s the workaround so far, so I just simply disabled smiley and seems it works fine to me, so far.

I will post here later if I found anything.

  2 Responses to “Upgrade problem all the places”

  1. It seems the pattern for the smiley cannot have / inside, trying to solve it now.

  2. […] upgraded and seems working fine, obviously what I did last time (fixing the smiley issue) works perfect in the new […]

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