Mar 262009

Well, do a self-assessment – I’m trying to figure out what I have done wrong in the past couple of days.

First, I should not say “this is not my bug”, I should act as before, take the responsibility, despite of what the problem is, and once the bug located, I should not say that (sounds like blaming somebody else), instead, I should solve the problem first, and leave the judgment to so-called management.

Second, I should not hesitate to talk to others – once it is necessary, I should always go to the person directly and get everything cleared. I tend to think about everything carefully before going to any meeting, actually it is not that bad, but sometime it just a waste of effort. Talk (other than email and IM) is part of communication, and it could be the most efficient one.

Third, and could be the most important one, is taking care of physical health. A strong, energic body can always help everything else, and more specifically, help a lot on maintaining mental healthy.

I’m going to resume my exercise today.

 Posted by at 13:18

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